Spring Semesters - 2019 onwards
GEOL-3321 - Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology – Lecture, laboratroy and discussion based course on the characteristics, description and nomenclature of igneous and metamorphic rocks.
Fall 2008 - Fall 2018
Earth Materials (GEOL-2303)/Mineralogy & Petrology (GEOL-3401) – Lecture and laboratory course introducing basic concepts in crystallography, descriptive mineralogy, rock description and identification, and discussing some of the fundamental processes and controls over rock and mineral composition and stability.
Fall, Spring & Summer 2014 - present
GEOL-5304 – Electron Microscopy and Micro-Analysis – Lecture and laboratory based course describing the theory and practical applications of electron-beam microscopy and microanalysis.
Alternate Spring Semesters 2012 onwards
GCH 4308/5308 – Techniques and Applications in Mineral Sciences. Cross-listed course that combines theoretical aspects of crystallography and mineral science with the practical techniques applied to constrain and quantify mineral properties.
2015 TLPDC Spotlight Faculty Recognition. Recognition of Faculty who go above and beyond to connect and engage with students and in their service to the TLPDC
2011 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, Center for Undergraduate Research