Callum J. Hetherington, PhD
The mineral science of crustal processes
Our team is interested in the origins of mineral textures and their application to understanding the petrology and geochemistry of crustal rocks. Research seeks to understand processes and we use field localities in Europe, North America and southern Africa. In the laboratory we use whole-rock and in situ micro-analysis techniques coupled with optical and electron microscopy to characterize textures and compositional signatures of Earth materials,
I support several professional societies, am an Associate Editor to The American Mineralogist and regularly review for international journals and funding agencies. I am also the Director of College of Arts & Sciences Microscopy, a service center that supports research and education at TTU.
Follow our lab research and the IRES program in South Africa studying strategic minerals and metals in the Bushveld Complex via social media.
August 2023 - Back on campus and looking forwards to welcoming Megan Lever to the research lab. Lever completed her B.S. degree at Baylor and is investigating research opportunities in igneous petrology.
June 2023 - 7 students joined me in South Africa for year 3 of the NSF sponsored International Research Experience for Students studying strategic mineral resources in the Bushveld Complex. You can learn more about our adventures through lab Instagram.
May 2023 - Congratulations to Shannon Ahern who successfully defended her M.S. thesis on the textural and geochemical characterization of possible magnetite pipe-structures in the Bushveld Complex
Study Abroad - South Africa
The International Research Experience for Student Study Abroad program is accepting applications for our Summer 2021 program. To learn more about the program visit:
South Plains STEM Scholars (SPSS)
Hetherington is the lead Principal Investigator on the National Science Foundation sponsored SPSS program that is funded by a S-STEM award.
The program is recruiting new students to join a program to harness the strengths of rural communities in America. Participants may receive scholarships up to $5,000 per year for 4 years, access to internship and research opportunities and will recieve dedicated peer and fauclty mentoring to promote their success. Learn more at: