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Current Research Students

Susan Leib (PhD) - Constraining the conditions of metamorphism in the Klamath Mountains.

Maria Van Nostrand (PhD) - Is dissolution-reprecipitation a viable mechanism for crustal-scale fluid migration?

Emily Fischer (MS) - Strategic mineral resources in the Bushveld Complex, South Africa.


Former Research Students


Ethan L Backus (PhD) Tracking metamorphic processes in carbonates - the Castner Marble and the aureole of Ballachulish Complex.

Taylor Newton (MS) A geochemical and textural study of spherical structures in the Goldie Complex, Colorado.


Donald Maute (MS) Fe + Ti + REE + Zr + P mineralization in the Raftsund Batholith, Lofoten, Norway.

Kimberlee French (MS) Thermodynamic modelling of metabasites from the Cerro Colorado , New Mexico.

Omar Antoine (BS) Application of GIS and arial photography to identify magnetite pipe structures in the Bushveld Complex.


Stephen V. Nguyen (MS) Ancient Analogues: Mid-Crustal Channel Flow Beneath the Nevadaplano – East Humboldt Range, NV.

Gabriella Martinez (BS) Whole-rock compositional analysis of meta-amphibolites around the Harding Pegmatite Mine.

Braedon Billings (BS) Trace element analysis of feldspar in Kentallenite.

Ilxon Santiago (BS) Trace element analysis of Apatite from dikes in the Seiland Igneous Province.

Chase Bramlett (BS) Compositional analysis of some metasediments from the contact aureole of the Ballachulish Igneous Complex.

Colten Mallet (BS) Accessory mineral assemblages and their petrogenetic significance in pegmatites from the Mora region, New Mexico.

Brendon Womac (BS) Trace element analysis of feldspar in Kentallenite.

C. Adam Ball (BS) P-T modeling of gneisses from Wyoming and Norway.



G. Annie Aaroe (MS) U-Pb geochronology of exotic phases in NYF-pegmatites of the Tysfjord Region, Nordland, Norway.

Danielle E. Keathley (MS) Geochemical Characterization of a Dike System in the Seiland Igneous Complex, Northern Norway: Implications for Geotectonic Environment of Emplacement

Matt Fisher (MS) Round Robin Comparison of Composition Based Mineralogical Studies of Unconventional Reservoirs.

Taylor Townes (BS) Heavy Metal contamination of the Hawaiian soil profile due to artillery ranges

Spencer L. Fuston (BS) Geochemical, petrologic, and textural analysis of the Ashland Pluton: Magma mixing and crystal accumulation through hornblende and titanite trace element variation.

Fortune Usoro (BS) Trace element abundances and variability in biotite from Kentallinite, Ballachulish, Scotland.

Zach Lindberg (BS) Trace element abundances and variability in clinopyroxene from Kentallinite, Ballachulish, Scotland.



M. Scott Clarke (BS) Cathodoluminescence textures in feldspars from the Ruby Mountains, Nevada.

Jordan Arnold (BS) Cathodoluminescence textures and trace element analysis from carbonate-minerals in the Brebikbotn Carbonatite, Seiland Igneous Complex, Norway.



Ethan L. Backus (MS) Lithological Correlation with Trace Element Abundances and Monazite Stability: Implications for Fluid Availability in the Metamorphic Aureole of the Ballachulish Igneous Complex.

Alex Washburn (BS) Trace Element Signatures in Carbonates from Calc-Silicate Rocks in the Thermal Aureole of the Ballachulish Igneous Complex.

 Jordan Abbasi (BS) An Experimental Study on the Reproducibility of XRD Protocols for Common Phases in Mudstones.



Stanley A. Hensley (MS) Lithological Correlation with Trace Element Abundances and Monazite Stability: Implications for Fluid Availability in the Metamorphic Aureole of the Ballachulish Igneous Complex.

Trudy Watkins (BS) Quartz preferred orientation and its impact on thermal conductivity in thermal aureoles.

Jacob D. Cobb (BS) Whole rock geochemical analysis of metapelites in the thermal aureole of the Ballachulish Igneous Complex.

Deborah Drennan (BS) Qualitative uranium speciation of Mississippian-age high-gamma carbonates, Bend Arch Region, Texas

Alexander Lozano (BS) X-Ray diffraction based determination of biotite compositions in garnet-absent thermally metamorphosed metapelites.



Ryan A. Berry (BS) Trace element analysis of pyroxene from the Rogue Complex and implications for magma-chamber processes.

Jordan Dyer (BS) Major element analysis of volcanic and plutonic rocks from the Rogue-Chetco Complex.

Brian Crass (BS) The mineralogical host of U in black-shales

Alexander Gonzales (BS) Quantifying the Mineralogical and Compositional Response of Shale Oil and Gas Rocks to Matrix Acidification



Anthony Romanoski (MS) Geochronology of pegmatitic gneisses in the Ruby Mountains

Laura Moore (BS) Cation charge effect on calcite crystal size and morphology



B. Rex McLachlin (MS) Mapping and petrography of the York Butte quadrangle, OR.

 J. Walter Dunn (BS) Quartz and zircon textures in the San Angelo Formation

Charles Ward (BS) Composition of “green-stone” rocks in the Mimbres Valley, NM

Avery H. Arendale (BS) Geochronology of banded gneisses, Ruby Mountains, NV



Brian Horton (BS) Thermal conductivity studies of quartzites



Kevin Werts (BS) Zircon petrography at Liberty Pass, Ruby Mountains, NV

Joseph Yoklavich (BS) Rare element minerals from the Hundholmen pegmatite

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