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Geol5305 Advanced Igneous Petrology

Phase relations, geochemistry, and tectonic setting of igneous rocks. Emphasis on modern concepts of magma origin and differentiation. May be repeated for credit.

Geol4321: Igneous and Metamorphic Processes

Application of field, experimental, geochemical, and petrographic data to modeling and interpreting high-temperature earth processes. Semester Credit Hours: 3.0. GEOL 3321, GCH 3303 are prerequisites for GEOL 4321.

Geol1303: Our Planet Earth: Principles of Geology

Introduction to earth structure and composition, minerals and rocks, surface processes,
orogeny, and the principle of plate tectonics. Partially fulfills core Life and Physical Sciences
requirement. Semester Credit Hours: 3.0. GEOL 1101 is a co-requisite for GEOL 1303.

Geol3401: Mineralogy

GEOL 1303, GEOL 1101, GEOL 2401; CHEM 1307 and CHEM 1107; 2.5 cumulative GPA. Semester Credit Hours: 4.0. This course will cover elementary chemistry, crystallography, and crystal structure, the identification of minerals in hand specimen and using the petrographic microscope, the general chemical and physical properties of minerals, and the occurrence and formation environments of minerals by geologic processes.

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