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Journal Articles:


Ardill, K.E., Attia, S., Memeti, V., and Paterson, S.R. (2024), Fingerprinting the geochemical

signals of episodic arc activity in the Sierra Nevada batholith in space and time. Geological Society of America Bulletin.


Ratschbacher, B.C., Ardill, K.E., Keller, B., Schoene, B., Paterson, S.R., Putirka, K., Lackey, J.S., and

Paige, M., (2024), Multi-scale magmatic and sub-solidus processes contribute to the chemical and isotopic characteristics of the Jurassic bimodal Guadalupe Igneous Complex, Sierra Nevada, California. Geosphere,



Chapman, J.B., Shields, J.E., Ducea, M.N., Paterson, S.R., Attia, S. and Ardill, K.E., (2021). The causes

of continental arc flare ups and drivers of episodic magmatic activity in Cordilleran orogenic systems. Lithos, p.106307,


Ardill, K.E., Paterson, S.R., Stanback, J.F.*, Alasino, P.H., King, J.*, and Crosbie, S.*, (2020), Crystal- flow sorting in upper-crustal magma mushes recorded in schlieren-bound magmatic structures. Frontiers in Earth Science: Petrology,


Ardill, K.E., Memeti, V., and Paterson, S.R., (2020), Reconstructing the physical and chemical           development of a pluton-porphyry complex in a tectonically re-organized arc crustal section, Tioga Pass, Sierra Nevada, Lithosphere,


Barnes, C.G., Werts, K., Memeti, V., Ardill, K., (2020), Most granitoid rocks are cumulates: deductions from hornblende compositions and zircon saturation, Journal of Petrology.



Alasino P., Ardill, K., Stanback J.*, Paterson S., Galindo C., and Leopold, M. (2019), Magmatically folded and faulted schlieren zones formed by magma avalanching in the Sonora Pass Intrusive Suite, Sierra Nevada, CA, Geosphere.


Ardill, K.E., Paterson, S.R., and Memeti, V., (2018), Spatiotemporal magmatic focusing in upper-mid crustal plutons of the Sierra Nevada arc, Earth and Planetary Science Letters.


Paterson, S.R., Ardill, K.E., Žák, J., and Vernon, R., (2018), A review of mesoscopic magmatic structures and their potential for evaluating the hypersolidus evolution of intrusive complexes, Journal of Structural Geology.

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